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Writer's pictureMalrus Tosscobble

Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Magazine Issue 41: Moral Quandaries

Greetings, fellow adventurers! Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Magazine Issue 41 has arrived, packed with exciting content to elevate your campaigns. This issue tackles the intricacies of moral quandaries, introduces a diverse range of combat feats, delves into the enigmatic paths of the paladin and monk classes, and presents a harrowing encounter in the labyrinthine depths of the Underdark. So, grab your dice, rally your party, and let’s explore the wonders of Issue 41 together There is a lot to cover in this one!

Q: How can I effectively use moral quandaries in my campaign? 

A: Focus on character ideals, bonds, and flaws to create natural conflicts that challenge their values.

Q: What are some tips for running mazes in-game?

Q: How do I incorporate a paladin’s personal goals into the campaign?

Moral Quandaries

Testing the Heroes' Conscience

Moral quandaries add depth and tension to your campaign by forcing characters to make difficult decisions where there is no clear right or wrong answer. This issue provides a table of quandaries to inspire these complex scenarios.

Types of Moral Quandaries:

  • Ally Quandary: Two essential NPCs hate each other and refuse to work together, forcing the party to choose sides.

  • Friend Quandary: A beloved NPC makes an impossible demand, such as sparing a villain or abandoning a quest.

  • Honour Quandary: Characters must choose between their personal code and a practical victory.

  • Rescue Quandary: Save innocent lives or capture the villain? The choice is yours.

  • Respect Quandary: Conflicting advice from important allies leads to tough decisions that could strain relationships.

moral quandry

Combat Feats

Boosting Battle Prowess

Combat feats offer specialized skills to enhance your characters' effectiveness in battle. This issue highlights several feats that can turn the tide of combat.

Featured Feats:

  • Polearm Master: Gain bonus attacks and opportunity attacks when wielding specific weapons like glaives and halberds.

  • Poisoner: Create and apply deadly poisons quickly and efficiently, ignoring resistances.

  • Savage Attacker: Reroll damage dice to maximize your melee attacks.

  • Sentinel: Lock down foes with opportunity attacks, preventing their escape.

  • Shield Master: Use your shield for offense and defense, improving your Dexterity saves and damage avoidance.

  • Weapon Master: Gain proficiency with a variety of weapons and a boost to Strength or Dexterity.

Paladin Story Seeds

Forging a Hero's Path

Paladins are defined by their oaths, but personal goals and symbols can add unique depth to their characters. Use these optional tables to flesh out your paladin’s motivations and emblematic symbols.

Personal Goals:

  • Peace: Fight to ensure future generations live without war.

  • Revenge: Use your oath to right an ancient wrong.

  • Duty: Execute chivalric duties at any cost.

  • Leadership: Lead your people to a better future.

  • Faith: Glorify your divine patron through your actions.

  • Glory: Aim to leave a lasting legacy.


  • Metallic Dragon: Represents nobility and ferocity.

  • Clenched Fist: Always ready to fight for beliefs.

  • Upraised Open Hand: Prefers diplomacy over combat.

  • Red Heart: Commitment to justice.

  • Black Heart: Dedication unclouded by pity.

  • Unblinking Eye: Ever vigilant against threats.

Monk: Way of the Kensei

Weapon Mastery

Monks of the Way of the Kensei master their chosen weapons to the point where they become extensions of themselves. This tradition emphasizes fluidity and harmony between the monk and their weapons.

Key Benefits:

  • Agile Parry: Use your kensei weapon to defend and gain a bonus to AC.

  • Kensei's Shot: Enhance ranged attacks with extra damage.

  • Artistic Proficiency: Gain proficiency with calligrapher's or painter's supplies.

Higher Levels:

  • Magical Weapons: Kensei weapons become magical, bypassing resistances.

  • Deft Strike: Use ki to enhance attack and damage rolls.

  • Perfect Technique: Reroll missed attacks at higher levels.

Hags’ Covens


Dark and Dangerous Alliances

When hags come together in covens, their power multiplies. These dark Fey become far more formidable, casting potent spells and creating hag eyes to spy on their enemies.

Hag Coven Traits:

  • Hag Eye: An enchanted eye that allows hags to see through it, causing psychic damage if destroyed.

  • Coven Spells: Access to powerful spells like hold person, bestow curse, and lightning bolt when within 30 feet of each other.


Labyrinthine Predators


Minotaurs are fearsome, bull-headed monstrosities known for their strength and fury. They thrive in labyrinths, using their natural sense of direction to hunt down intruders.

Minotaur Traits:

  • Charge: Devastating gore attacks after moving straight towards a target.

  • Labyrinthine Recall: Perfect recall of any path traveled.

  • Reckless: Gain advantage on attacks, at the cost of giving advantage to attackers.

Adventure: Lost in the Labyrinth

Navigating the Nightmare

In "Lost in the Labyrinth," the adventurers must retrieve a holy weapon from the tomb of Argosh, navigating through the dangerous Labyrinth filled with shadow demons and minotaurs.

Adventure Highlights:

  • Shadow Demon Ambush: Characters face their darkest fears through shadow visions.

  • Key Locations: Navigate through the Bottomless Stairs, Hall of Doors, Heart of the Maze, Ruined Outpost, and Mines of Madness.

  • Final Challenge: Defeat the shadow demon or escape the Labyrinth to complete the quest.


Issue 41 of Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Magazine is an essential addition for any DM or player looking to add depth, complexity, and excitement to their game. With moral quandaries, combat feats, detailed class paths, and a thrilling labyrinth adventure, this issue is packed with content that will keep your campaigns fresh and engaging. So, gather your party, roll those dice, and may your adventures be ever epic! Happy gaming! - Malrus


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