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Review of D&D Adventurer Magazine Issue 38: Rangers, Sailors, and Rust Monsters

Writer: Malrus TosscobbleMalrus Tosscobble

Greetings, valiant adventurers! Issue 38 of Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Magazine is here, brimming with new and exciting content to enhance your campaigns. This edition explores the dynamic features of the ranger class, introduces the sailor background, and presents a thrilling encounter with rust monsters. So, grab y our gear, rally your party, and let's delve into this captivating issue!

Issue 38

Ranger Features: Levels 1-4

Mastering the Wilderness

The ranger class is perfect for those who wish to blend martial prowess with a deep connection to nature. Issue 38 provides a detailed look at the first four levels of this versatile class, showcasing their unique abilities and spells.

Level 1: Favoured Enemy and Natural Explorer

At the first level, rangers select a favoured enemy, granting them advantages on Survival checks to track and recall information about their foes. They also learn a language spoken by their favoured enemy, adding depth to their backstory. Additionally, the Natural Explorer feature makes them adept at surviving in specific terrains, providing benefits such as avoiding difficult terrain and remaining alert to danger.

Level 2: Fighting Style and Spellcasting

Rangers at level 2 choose a fighting style, enhancing their combat capabilities. Options include Archery for a bonus to ranged attacks, Defence for added AC, Dueling for increased damage with one-handed weapons, and Two-Weapon Fighting for better dual-wielding. Rangers also gain access to spellcasting, drawing on the magic of nature to cast spells like Hunter's Mark and Cure Wounds.


Level 3: Ranger Archetype

At level 3, rangers select an archetype that defines their approach to the wilderness. The Monster Slayer archetype, for instance, equips them to hunt supernatural threats with abilities like Slayer’s Prey and Hunter’s Sense, enabling them to identify and exploit enemy weaknesses.

Level 4: Ability Score Improvement (ASI) or Feat

Reaching level 4, rangers can either increase their ability scores or choose a feat. ASIs boost key stats such as Dexterity and Wisdom, enhancing both combat and spellcasting. Feats like Alert, Sharpshooter, and Skulker provide specialized benefits, allowing rangers to tailor their abilities to their preferred playstyle.

Sailor Background

Life on the High Seas

The sailor background offers rich roleplaying opportunities, drawing on the character's experiences at sea. Sailors gain proficiency in Athletics and Perception, vital skills for navigating and surviving in a maritime environment. They also start with proficiency in navigator’s tools and water vehicles, and the Ship’s Passage feature allows them to secure free passage on ships in exchange for work.

Roleplaying a Sailor:

Whether a dashing swashbuckler or a grizzled veteran, sailors bring a wealth of stories and a strong sense of duty to their adventuring parties. The variant pirate background adds a darker twist, granting the Bad Reputation feature, which allows the character to get away with minor crimes due to their fearsome reputation.

Sailor Background

Rust Monsters: Metallic Menaces

Beware the Rust Monsters

Rust monsters are terrifying foes for any adventurer clad in metal. These insect-like creatures corrode and consume metal objects, posing a unique challenge. Their Iron Scent ability allows them to detect metal, while their Rust M etal trait corrodes nonmagical metal weapons and armour, reducing their effectiveness.

Encounter Tips:

  • Avoiding Metal: Encourage players to use non-metal weapons and armour when facing rust monsters.

  • Strategic Combat: Utilize spells and abilities that keep rust monsters at bay, preventing them from corroding valuable gear.

  • Capturing Rust Monsters: Consider the benefits of capturing rust monsters alive, as they can be trained as companions or sold.

Adventure: Tall Tales By Firelight

A Night of Storytelling

This encounter invites players to participate in a storytelling contest at the Lucky Miner tavern in Gauntlgrym. To impress the dwarven audience, players must spin tales of their adventures, with bonus points awarded for stories that highlight dwarven values such as skill in battle, craftsmanship, and humour.

Encounter Highlights:

  • Storytelling Contest: Players make Charisma (Performance) checks to determine the success of their tales, with bonus points for entertaining or value-driven stories.

  • Rust Monster Attack: The contest is interrupted by an escaped pair of rust monsters, providing an opportunity for combat t and creative problem-solving.

  • Rewards: Successful capture or defeat of the rust monsters earns the party rewards such as potions and a well-deserved rest.

Issue 38 of Dungeons & Dragons Adventurer Magazine is a must-have for any DM or player looking to enrich their game. With detailed ranger features, a nautical background, and an exciting encounter with rust monsters, this issue is packed with content that will keep your campaigns fresh and engaging. So, gather yo ur party, roll those dice, and may your adventures be ever epic! Happy gaming! - Malrus


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